If your answer isn't here, please contact BuildyMcBuildFaces@gmail.com
What is Strike?
If we build it, we have to take it away. That could mean:
Putting it into storage for future events
Burning it
Finding out how to recycle everything
Selling it
Keeping it for personal use
Keeping it for camp use
Donating it
Disposing of it as waste
Project Leads are required to have a plan for getting rid of everything they build, and letting their members know what the time requirement is. If you can’t commit to helping get rid of it, you may not be allowed to be part of the team who builds it.
If you can only come for part of the event or have to leave promptly you can get involved in smaller projects or workshops, or volunteer to do other camp duties, however, this is in exceptional circumstances and is not considered an option for everyone.
I’m disabled / have a health condition, can I join?
Absolutely. There’s a space on the application form asking if you require the camp to make certain arrangements for you and we will endeavour to do so. Not all build projects may be appropriate, however, you can discuss with the Project Lead about what accommodations can be made (we’re an inclusion camp so these should be made within what is reasonably possible) or you can set up your own build projects based around your strengths and ask people to join you.
While strike can be fairly physical there are coordination, morale and wellbeing roles available.
Is it possible to bring children?
Yes - however you will need to let the camp know what we can do to support you. We would love it if people want to build child friendly structures (people build adventure playgrounds at other Burns), however, please be aware that we are a build camp and while everyone is committed to safety you will be responsible for your child. Nest has a Families Lead and you can contact them if you’d like to know about children in the wider context of the event and help you network with other people bringing children.
I don’t live in the UK, can I join?
Of course! While we do run events prior to the event you can join a lot of things remotely, run be involved in virtual fundraisers and just turn up for the event in May.
Why is so much happening in London?
There just so happens to be a lot of members in London. Nest has never advertised publicly so it’s all been organised through word of mouth and through Burning Man networks. As the founder and his friends were Londoners, that’s how it grew. We are very supportive of people around the world getting together to organise skills building events, fundraisers and socials - wherever you happen to be, so do start something in your area!
How can I add my event to the list?
Anyone can set up a camp members event, just email buildymcbuildfaces@gmail.com to get it added to the website.